Friday, May 29, 2009

Links to Study for Kanhar | Asher | Jayati

First Meeting

Meeting #1
Location: NAC 7/103
Date: May 29th 2009
Time: 1:30 - 2:30 PM


Professor Izidor Gertner
Kanhar Munshi
Jayati Das
Asher Snyder (Out of Town, updated via Email)

Discussed and to be Studied:

1) Real Time Operating System Basics (Chapter 9*)
2) A review of the Kernel of The Moblin and the Android Operating Systems
3) A reviewof Java's IO and New/IO package and multi-threading.
4) Real Time Operating System Tools (Chapter 10*) for Mobile and Android.

*Embedded Systems - Architecture Programming and Design - Raj Kamal

5) After this is completed, then we are to write a formal proposal in the format of the following :-