Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Review of Real Time Operating System's

Linked here is our review of Real Time Operating Systems


Kanhar Munshi
Asher Snyder
Jayati Das

Review of Java's Core Threading Concepts (with Examples)

Linked here is our review of Java's Threading Implementations.


Kanhar Munshi
Asher Snyder
Jayati Das

Friday, May 29, 2009

Links to Study for Kanhar | Asher | Jayati

First Meeting

Meeting #1
Location: NAC 7/103
Date: May 29th 2009
Time: 1:30 - 2:30 PM


Professor Izidor Gertner
Kanhar Munshi
Jayati Das
Asher Snyder (Out of Town, updated via Email)

Discussed and to be Studied:

1) Real Time Operating System Basics (Chapter 9*)
2) A review of the Kernel of The Moblin and the Android Operating Systems
3) A reviewof Java's IO and New/IO package and multi-threading.
4) Real Time Operating System Tools (Chapter 10*) for Mobile and Android.

*Embedded Systems - Architecture Programming and Design - Raj Kamal

5) After this is completed, then we are to write a formal proposal in the format of the following :-